09 November 2009

$20 Thanksgiving dinner

Hip 2 Save and several other sites are reporting that Walmart has the following deal---a $20 Thanksgiving dinner (that you cook yourself)!!

For $20, you get: a 12-lb Jennie-O Turkey (at $0.40/lb), 3 cans of Green Giant vegetables, 2 cans Ocean Spray cranberry sauce, 3 boxes Stove Top stuffing, 1 5-lb bag potatoes, one 12-ct package Sarah Lee dinner rolls, and one 22-oz pumpkin roll cake.

You may want to double-check with your Walmart to be certain they are participating---it is reported that the deal is nationwide, but some people are saying their Walmarts do not know about it. If your Walmart IS participating, this is a pretty awesome deal!! It's enough for eight and with the baking deals this time of year, you could add a few extra desserts for not much more money.


  1. My first thought is to get it and donate to my church.

    My mom is cooking, so my family and I will join (sponge off of) her and Dad this year. :)

    Actually, we pitch in.

  2. That's a good idea to donate it to your church. I usually buy a couple extra turkeys and stick them in the freezer; use them for Christmas, Easter, birthdays, etc.

    We have been doing Thanksgiving at my house and Christmas Eve at my Mom's but we're switching this year so I'm planning on doing a lot of dessert baking! (We get together for desserts/gift exchange on Christmas Eve and I told her I'd make all the desserts for THanksgiving and some side dishes.)
